October 30, 2015
“Green” is a word that is working its way into almost all aspects of our lives. Advertisers are picking up that ball and running with it. The colors of advertisements are even often centered on a green theme. But what does it really mean to “go green” or “live green?” It basically refers to reducing your environmental impact, by how much energy you use and the type of energy you use. This is accomplished by becoming more energy efficient and choosing clean energy supplies. What does it mean to be more energy efficient? To be energy efficient, it means something delivers the same (or more) services for less energy. When we use less energy, the power plants don’t have to generate so much, which improves air quality by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. What is clean energy? Clean energy refers to supplies that include clean distributed generation, such as combined heat and power, and renewable energy. Many businesses are now installing renewable energy and combined heat and power at their buildings to save them money, provide greater control of their energy use, and reduce their environmental impact. The same can be done at your home.